Sunday, 21 April 2013

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5: Kissed by Fire

Airing Date: April 28, 2013

This will be the time which the Lanniester will pay their debt to what they done to the Stark because Jaime lanniester will be judge to the people who been an allegiance of Start which they are called as the Bolton. Jaime for this episode he will officially judge to the people to what he done and that will be getting an serious to happen which they will able Jaime suffer to death but i am assured that Brienne of Tart will be judge also to protect Jaime for we cant blame Brinne because she was a lady who had an one word for in short she was an loyal person whatever she said she must done for at first Brienne was an kingsguard of an Baratheon but when he die for an assassinate she pledge to Catelyn Stark and when Catelyn command him Jaime will be back in the kings landing safe and sound for the exchange of Sansa and Arya but this moment they both caught in the scene for Jaime was the reason that they are fighting in the bridge. and the result is they been captured. I just worrying to Brienne for she was an good lady and a loyal for i am hoping she will b part in the next season and if you like to see more about Brinne of Tray just don't forget to watch Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 online which will due on April 28, 2013 only at

As what i said Jaime will be judge for he had no right had in short the had no ability as like in the past that he called by other as the kings layer and thinking is was so hard no right hand is hard to imagine. In not only Jaime will be judge but also an person who was Joffrey bodyguard which was the Hound who he been captured by the people Brotherhood without banners and he will be judge to his action as Joffrey guard.

In hoping that you ill not miss the Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5: Kissed by Fire.


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